Free Intensive Preparatory Course for 2023 B1/B2 Norskprøve
Link to Application Form (Free)
Course Overview
Are you preparing to write Norskprøve in 2023 at the B1/B2 level?
Inter-Nationals is here to support the achievement of your goal. As part of our skillup project funded by IMDi, we are offering 9 weeks of free intensive evening preparatory classes.
Course Schedule: January 23 – March 24, 2023
Time: 17:30 – 20:30
Days: Every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays
Course Delivery: Online, every accepted participant needs access to a computer and internet.
Application Deadline: January 15, 2023
NB: Admitted participants are expected to achieve a minimum attendance of 80% to earn a course certificate.
To guarantee the quality of these courses and to provide individualized support to all attendees, we have a limited number of spots per course. Signup early to increase your chances of getting a spot.
If you have any question, contact the course coordinators, Felix Agyapong using this email: felix(dot)agyapong(at)inter-nationals(dot)com
Do you know anyone that could benefit from this programme, please share with them.